

1969 The Royal Hill Tribe Assistance Project

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej initiated “The Royal Hill Tribe Assistance Project” to eliminate opium plantation and alleviate poverty among the Hill tribes by educating them about the effects of opium plantation, shifting cultivation, and offering alternatives to these agricultural plantations

1972 The First Royal Factory (Fang), Chiang Mai

In 1972 His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej initiated “Co-op for Hill Tribe” and “The First Royal Factory (Fang), Chiang Mai to eliminate price fluctuation of agricultural products and commodities, as well as preventing middlemen from taking advantage over Thai farmers. All produce were bought in a fair price and processed under the trademark “Doi Kham” to increase product value, open new distribution channels and provide research and development under the concept “Agro-industry for Community Development.”

1974 The Second Royal Factory (Mae Chan), Chiang Rai

The Second Royal Factory (Mae Chan), Chiang Rai was initiated to solve drug problems, poverty, and poor living condition of the people. The Second Royal Factory (Mae Chan) adapted the same operation as the First Royal Factory (Fang), Chiang Mai, to purchase produce from farmers to promote winter crops plantation in the area.

1981 The Third Royal Factory (Tao Ngoi), Sakon Nakorn

His Majesty King Bhumibol initiated the Third Royal Factory (Tao Ngoi), Sakon Nakhon to resolve poverty and lack of water for consumption in the area by adapting the model used to develop the first two Royal Factories. The Third Royal Factory (Tao Ngoi) is one of the first factories to process tomatoes in the Northeastern part of Thailand. Furthermore, the Royal Factory promotes sustainable career development and income for the people in the area through tomato agricultural extension, creating “Tomato Belt” along Khong River.

1994 Doi Kham Food Products Co., Ltd., a Social Business

In 1994, His Majesty King Bhumibol assigned the Crown Propetry Bureau to take over all Royal Factories from the Royal Project. All Royal Factories was then established as a corporate under the name “Doi Kham Food Product Co., Ltd.” Doi Kham operates as a Social Business: that follows His Majesty King Bhumibol’s philosophy to develop higher standard of living and promote self-reliant among Thai citizens.

2018 Carrying on the Legacy

According to the Royal Thai Government Gazette on November 3, 2018, in organizing the Crown Property Bureau 2018, Doi Kham Food Products Co., Ltd. received His Majesty the King’s honor in personally taking over the company to continue His Majesty King Bhumibol’s Royal Initiative Projects in promoting sustainability and development for Thailand.

เกษตรเพื่อชุมชน ผลิตผลเพื่อคนไทย